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时间:2013-11-28 17:46来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
      重庆艾圣普科技有限公司是一家集展览、科技、传媒为一体的多元化服务机构。荣获 “十佳会展企业”称号,并取得重庆市会展行业展览展示工程资质。




Chongqing Aisaintop Technology Co., Ltd is a service agency that combines with exhibition, science,Film and television production departments. It wins an honorable title “top ten exhibition company”, and obtains the project qualification of Chongqing exhibition industry.
The company consists of sales department, exhibition department, multi-media department. The services include exhibition arrangement, exhibition planning, exhibition engineering, multi-media display, 3 D production, the brand communication, etc. The company fully achieves the comprehensive business model. Business field covers the planning museum, the exhibition hall, the museum, the house marketing and  celebration activities, etc.
The company has been engaged in providing professional solutions  to various customers.Our company make progress constantly in the exhibition field of planning and design, participating in mayprojects. And we carry out the multimedia digital exhibition programme for the customers in the previous Chongqing Hi-tech Fair, Chongqing Real Estate Trade Fair and Chongqing Automotive Trade Fair, etc.
Our company has an experienced professional technical team with new creative knowledge and advanced technology. This team is specialized in new products development, system integration and installation debugging. The core technology members once participated in the project design of Chongqing hall in the Expo 2010.
With pursuing technology and service innovation, Aisaintop aspires to be the most influential brand of multi-media exhibition institution.